Saturday, August 4, 2012

Stunted Growth...I should really work on that

One can dream, but sometimes when you don't look for it everything unfolds infront of you. Maybe there have been hints in the past but you have been too focused on one event or person. Anything can happen really, that's the beautiful part of life's mystery. We shouldn't be entitled to know, really. Though, I do wish I knew more so I wouldn't feel so dumbfounded in conversation. I keep thinking that one day it'll all just fall into place; I'll look the way I should, I'll be as talented as I and everyone else wished I would be, I would know all of the things I found to be important in knowing, and I'll be with a special someone who would know me beyond all of this, loving me for who I was and who I became. So, although I may come across as irrational and I tend to almost always go against the grain, I feel that as long as I'm happy a little diversity is harmless. No one would believe the amazing story I'm living right now...maybe one day I'll reveal all of it.

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