Friday, August 20, 2010

It was the Brook Tree

That boy you grew up with...he's not a boy anymore. He's a man.
And now that you're not a little girl either, he sees you differently. He's sees you as an option, full potential. It's more of a confusing case than anything. But just because he's so hard to understand, decipher or get to knowing; don't let him go. No matter how much pain it is, no matter how many times you feel put down or left out. See all of that through because you have an idea. And when you have an idea, it's great and it can expand into something genuinely magnificent! Come now, you have the potential to make things better. You have incredible insight, the stuff that created chairs from trees and wheat into bread. Don't let these silly little barriers get in your way. And if along the way you discover that it only is what you see at face-value then before you quit, you better know you tried.

Dear you,
You're hurting me. There is something on your mind, or some feeling you have that you are keeping from me. This gets in the way. Every time we talk I feel like you're tense and will just shut down any minute. Of course I will end up feeling like i did something wrong. But I didn't, and I'm not. It's just you, and something about you. So what exactly am I to do? We've been friends for this long. Why are you letting me go like this? Why not be there to save it. But no, you don't want to. You couldn't possibly want to take the time out to try and know me. How far behind you'll be in knowing me after a few years. I hope you just remember, It's your choice. And it always has been because you always have the upper hand. I'm sick of you selecting the time of day where I'm "allowed" to talk to you because every other time you do your best to belittle me by saying something incredibly low and vile. Everything is a joke to you. All I ask is that you don't see me as one of your jokes.


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